Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Blog Attacked and Happy Birth Day Mr. President!!!

Four months I have been locked out of my account and unable to keep up with this blog. I essentially had to hack my way in past Google and reactivate my account, which had been flagged as inappropriate by an army of trans-trendy blue hair SJW heifers. What better day than this day, the birth day of our President, and commander in chief, for me to triumphantly return to the blogosphere. I salute you Mr. President! Nsala Malekun! I call you now, Tata Trump!

There is a great deal I need to catch you up on. There has been a number of occult battles, especially against the Clintons, as well as the Obamas, who employee Bokkors and Sorcerers from Haiti, Jamaica and Africa (Nigeria). Palo Mayombe however has stopped them all. Trump is under my occult protection and I will not fail this great country. I will not let this proud nation fall into the hands of pedophile banking elites. I will support Tata Trump as long as he continues to fight the New World Order, and arrest pedophiles and human traffickers. I support the strengthening of boarders and the empowerment of other countries which come from learning to stand on their own..without problematic American interventionism.

I am not "back", I have never left, I am just now once again able to everyone updated.

-Tata Black Hound

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Palo session for Sessions: Let those pedophiles BURN!

I have been working overtime aiding in the spiritual protection of our great President Donald Trump, and his best new addition yet Attorney General Jeff Sessions. So much so I have run my self to near death. I just left the hospital with a case of pneumonia. Fuck it. The power of my chamba (the magic drink of Palo Mayombe, 21 pepper rum as the base and NOT for pussies) will kill this infection faster than any of Big Pharma's fucking poison . This is indeed a momentous day.  Mr. Sessions was formally sworn in as the 84th Attorney General a little less than an hour ago, and the world is about to change for the better. Mr. Sessions has been making strong overtures that he would dismantle the global network of pedophiles who comprise the absolute worst cancer this planet has ever seen. Now that he has been sworn in, the hunting down of the pedophiles can officially begin!

Tomorrow night is a highly auspicious night. A trifecta of raw cosmic power by which many authentic occult lodges (good and evil) will be harnessing for their own agendas. A penumbral eclipse, a comet and a full moon. I will be making offerings to M'pungo Lucero Mundo or Light of the World, and M'pungo Zarabanda the undefeatable, indomitable spirit of war. After tapping into these astrological bufferings I will send my Nfumbe over the firma Zarabanda, riding the both fire and wind, to protect both Attorney General Sessions, and President Trump. I will send out the my black dog of war, placed under Zarabanda, along with my Nfumbe to help Mr. Sessions to hunt down and eradicate this cancerous pedophile plague.

Death to the Illumintai! Death to Pedophiles!

For every child you harmed I will see you suffer ten times over.
May Nzambi Mpungo Primo shine light and glory down on the head of President Trump, may Attorney General Sessions be surrounded with great protection, and may this nation be a brilliant beacon of liberty and prosperity once more!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Palo Mayombe protects President Trump from the cult of Neo-Pagan welfare witches. My Nfumbe grabs a Hag by the pussy.

Hey Kraken, whats Krack-a-lackin?
In august 2016 I began seeing Facebook posts concerning Pagans gathering together to casting spells on our now great President Donald Trump. Their aim? To derail his presidential campaign and deny him his divine birth right (I have done the life path reading or "lettering" as we call it in Palo Mayombe and he was born to be President). Upon reading this, I couldn't help but laugh, and laugh hard. The majority of neo-pagans are outcast weirdos who barely hold a job. They live in run down single wide trailers with five grubby kids and seven dogs. Most think they are incarnations of Arch-Druids, fairy-kin or dragon-kin, and that Hogwarts is a real place, however making car payments on time is unthinkable. Not exactly the studious delvers of the occult and skilled operators of arcane sciences Trump would actually need to worry about, and therefore nothing I would need to worry about.

It latter occurred to me that while these Goddess worshiping goddess-bodied land whales, clad in frumpy formless robes would present no credible threat individually, they may do so collectively, and that I could not let happen.

I went before my Nganga, gave respect to my Nfumbe, and called upon the mighty Zarabanda. Over the patipemba of Zarabanda, the spirit of War, I spilled the blood of a red rooster, and fed the patipemba cigar smoke, a large candle and spiced rum. I directed my Nfumbe to stay within "arm's reach" of our future President, deflect all magical or spiritual attacks, and report back to me on a daily basis.

Nganga of Zarabanda
My Nfumbe had very little to report back on. This so-called super-coven of neo-pagan "witches" with all their mantras, herb burning and prattling to the Goddess in designated "safe spaces", accomplished very little.

But on one occasion my Nfumbe did have something interesting to report.

On the 6th of November, 2016, my Nfumbe reported to me that something did manifest it's self in front of Donald Trump. This creature had "potential" to bring him and his campaign some mild discomfort. The neo-pagans had finally done "something". My Nfumbe described it as a large and extremely ugly "hag". The hag was mostly unformed, possessed ponderous female parts, and was very clumsy.

The "hag", I feel, was most likely a huge jumbled thought-form which finally became a mental/astral construct. What my Nfumbe described reflected what I imagine the thought-form created by thousands of emotionally chaotic, and largely directionless neo-pagans would be.

Ugly, unformed, and ponderous female parts....
My Nfumbe went on to say the "hag" had only a vague understanding of it's purpose. While hostile towards Trump it was unsure how to direct this hostility. The hag did what  it's creators do: it whined and screamed, but little else. Because I had directed my Nfumbe to deflect all magical, and spirit attacks against Trump, my Nfumbe attacked it. On asking how my Nfumbe attacked it, my Nfumbe said "grabbed it by the pussy".

"Well then my Nfumbe, you can do anything" I replied, and that IS power. A power I pledge I will continue using to keep our great president safe from occult threats, both foreign and domestic.

Saturday, January 21, 2017


FINALLY the creepily soft  lotioned hand of the sick and deplorable left has been wrenched from the steering wheel of this once great nation. Donald Trump has been sworn into office, and it is OFFICIAL, we have President elect Donald Trump as the 45th president of these United States of America.

It has been a rough road to get here. Through it all I have provided a strong supernatural force protecting Donald Trump from danger and helping in the undoing of his enemies. I pledge that as Donald Trump's unofficial Palero and occult protection provider that I will work ceaselessly to surround President Trump with the powers of Palo Mayombe to keep him healthy, and protected, as well as sending the hungry dead to ruthlessly hunt down threats to America, both foreign and domestic.

For me, it has been a 16 year long nightmare. Eight years of Neo-Con idiot man-child George W. Bush. Followed by eight years of the C.I.A planted HIV+ boy toy of the Chicago Bath house scene with a million social security numbers and just many birth certificates; Barrack Obama a.k.a Barry Soetoro.

Last night, after standing before my Nganga and offering prayer, candle and song to the Nfumbe that Donald Trump be guarded during his inauguration, I laid in bed and felt for the first time in a long time, a deep sense of true honest calm wash over me. The reign of moron kings, the vulgar war mongering Neo-Con right, and the foul socialism to communism hypocritical left, had passed. I had endured and I had survived.

The presidency of Donald Trump is the light at the end of a long, and treacherous tunnel. A tunnel that leads out from a miserable pit where spawned abominations such as the Patriot  Act, NDAA, continual war, spying on US citizens, bombing the moon, free..err... not so free FORCED healthcare, wanton illegal immigration, and the Social Justice Warrior SJW culture (the new Brown Shirts).

The aftermath of the Obama administration we as American citizens now look out on is not for the feint of heart. The left has birthed a society of self-entitled, psuedo-intellectual, asexual, pedophile rampant horde of lunatics who truly believe they represent the "progressive". A delusional collective of supposedly peaceful, anti-war, environmentally minded folk who will descend into a swarm of rioting, property destroying thuggish rats at the first sign of opposition i.e. not getting their way.

It is my prayer to Nzambi that tomorrow morning, the 21st of January, is a rude awakening for this "progressive" idiots, that the days of "safe spaces", being offended is an argument, and dismantling of the family are over. For me, I think I will sleep in, and enjoy peace for once in a great long time.