Saturday, January 21, 2017


FINALLY the creepily soft  lotioned hand of the sick and deplorable left has been wrenched from the steering wheel of this once great nation. Donald Trump has been sworn into office, and it is OFFICIAL, we have President elect Donald Trump as the 45th president of these United States of America.

It has been a rough road to get here. Through it all I have provided a strong supernatural force protecting Donald Trump from danger and helping in the undoing of his enemies. I pledge that as Donald Trump's unofficial Palero and occult protection provider that I will work ceaselessly to surround President Trump with the powers of Palo Mayombe to keep him healthy, and protected, as well as sending the hungry dead to ruthlessly hunt down threats to America, both foreign and domestic.

For me, it has been a 16 year long nightmare. Eight years of Neo-Con idiot man-child George W. Bush. Followed by eight years of the C.I.A planted HIV+ boy toy of the Chicago Bath house scene with a million social security numbers and just many birth certificates; Barrack Obama a.k.a Barry Soetoro.

Last night, after standing before my Nganga and offering prayer, candle and song to the Nfumbe that Donald Trump be guarded during his inauguration, I laid in bed and felt for the first time in a long time, a deep sense of true honest calm wash over me. The reign of moron kings, the vulgar war mongering Neo-Con right, and the foul socialism to communism hypocritical left, had passed. I had endured and I had survived.

The presidency of Donald Trump is the light at the end of a long, and treacherous tunnel. A tunnel that leads out from a miserable pit where spawned abominations such as the Patriot  Act, NDAA, continual war, spying on US citizens, bombing the moon, free..err... not so free FORCED healthcare, wanton illegal immigration, and the Social Justice Warrior SJW culture (the new Brown Shirts).

The aftermath of the Obama administration we as American citizens now look out on is not for the feint of heart. The left has birthed a society of self-entitled, psuedo-intellectual, asexual, pedophile rampant horde of lunatics who truly believe they represent the "progressive". A delusional collective of supposedly peaceful, anti-war, environmentally minded folk who will descend into a swarm of rioting, property destroying thuggish rats at the first sign of opposition i.e. not getting their way.

It is my prayer to Nzambi that tomorrow morning, the 21st of January, is a rude awakening for this "progressive" idiots, that the days of "safe spaces", being offended is an argument, and dismantling of the family are over. For me, I think I will sleep in, and enjoy peace for once in a great long time.

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