Thursday, February 9, 2017

Palo session for Sessions: Let those pedophiles BURN!

I have been working overtime aiding in the spiritual protection of our great President Donald Trump, and his best new addition yet Attorney General Jeff Sessions. So much so I have run my self to near death. I just left the hospital with a case of pneumonia. Fuck it. The power of my chamba (the magic drink of Palo Mayombe, 21 pepper rum as the base and NOT for pussies) will kill this infection faster than any of Big Pharma's fucking poison . This is indeed a momentous day.  Mr. Sessions was formally sworn in as the 84th Attorney General a little less than an hour ago, and the world is about to change for the better. Mr. Sessions has been making strong overtures that he would dismantle the global network of pedophiles who comprise the absolute worst cancer this planet has ever seen. Now that he has been sworn in, the hunting down of the pedophiles can officially begin!

Tomorrow night is a highly auspicious night. A trifecta of raw cosmic power by which many authentic occult lodges (good and evil) will be harnessing for their own agendas. A penumbral eclipse, a comet and a full moon. I will be making offerings to M'pungo Lucero Mundo or Light of the World, and M'pungo Zarabanda the undefeatable, indomitable spirit of war. After tapping into these astrological bufferings I will send my Nfumbe over the firma Zarabanda, riding the both fire and wind, to protect both Attorney General Sessions, and President Trump. I will send out the my black dog of war, placed under Zarabanda, along with my Nfumbe to help Mr. Sessions to hunt down and eradicate this cancerous pedophile plague.

Death to the Illumintai! Death to Pedophiles!

For every child you harmed I will see you suffer ten times over.
May Nzambi Mpungo Primo shine light and glory down on the head of President Trump, may Attorney General Sessions be surrounded with great protection, and may this nation be a brilliant beacon of liberty and prosperity once more!

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